Peter Moyle Herbold, Bruce Stevens, Donald E. Miller, Lee W.
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
The delta smelt Hypomesus transpacificus is endemic to the upper Sacramento-San Joaquin estuary. It is closely associated with the freshwater-saltwater mixing zone except when it spawns in fresh water, primarily during March, April, and May. The delta smelt feeds on zooplankton, principally copepods. Its dominant prey was the native copepod Eurytem...
Peter Moyle Baltz, Donald M.
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Microhabitat requirements were determined for eight species of native California stream fishes: Rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri; Sacramento sucker Catostomus occidentalis; Sacramento squawfish Ptychocheilus grandis; hardhead Mylopharodon conocephalus; California roach Hesperoleucus symmetricus; speckled dace Rhinichthys osculus; tule perch Hysterocar...
Donald M., Baltz Bruce, Vondracek Larry R., Brown Peter Moyle
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Shifts in microhabitat selection by rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were related to seasonal and ontogenetic factors in a small stream characterized by short riffles, small pools, and boulder substrate. Resource availability did not differ significantly between summer and November sampling dates for most variables related to water velocity, subst...
Grantham, Theodore E Newburn, David A Mccarthy, Michael A Merenlender, Adina M
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Increasing human pressures on freshwater resources have led to global declines in fish populations and have made the protection of instream flows critical to the conservation of riverine ecosystems. However, uncertainty in predicting ecological responses to flow variability has hindered implementation of successful environmental flow management.An ...
Peter C., Trenham Bradley, Shaffer Peter Moyle
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
The invasion of the Sacramento-San Joaquin estuary by the wakasagi Hypomesus nipponensis poses threats of competition and hybridization with the endemic delta smelt Hypomesus transpacificus, a species listed as threatened by federal and state agencies. Small individuals of these species are difficult to distinguish morphologically, but correct iden...
Hiram W., Li Peter Moyle Ronald L., Garrett
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
The growth of black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) and of white crappie (P. annularis) before a new forage fish, the Mississippi silverside (Menidia audens), became established in Clear Lake, California, was compared to their growth after the silverside had become established. Following the establishment of the silverside, growth rates of both sp...
Peter Moyle
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Kimmerer, Wim Avent, Sean R. Bollens, Steven M. Feyrer, Fred Grimaldo, Lenny F. Peter Moyle Nobriga, Matt Visintainer, Tammie
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
The biomass of fish populations is often calculated from abundance-by-length data using length\^a\texteuro\textquotedblleftweight (LW) relationships from separate studies (e.g., from the literature). Estimates of biomass determined this way have two principal sources of error: (1) error in total numbers and size distribution of fish due to sampling...
Brian W., Hodge Margaret A., Wilzbach Walter G., Duffy Rebecca M., Quiñones James A., Hobbs
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Oncorhynchus mykiss exhibits a vast array of life histories, which increases its likelihood of persistence by spreading risk of extirpation among different pathways. The Klamath River basin (California–Oregon) provides a particularly interesting backdrop for the study of life history diversity in O. mykiss, in part because the river is slated for a...