Grantham, Theodore E Mezzatesta, Mariano Newburn, David A Merenlender, Adina M
Published in
River Research and Applications
River basin managers responsible for water allocation decisions are increasingly required to evaluate tradeoffs between environmental flow protections and human water security. However, the basin-scale effects of environmental flow regulations on water users are not well understood, in part because analyses are complicated by the spatial and tempor...
Rheinheimer, D. E. Joshua Viers
Published in
River Research and Applications
Alterations to flow regimes from regulation and climatic change both affect the biophysical functioning of rivers over long time periods and large spatial areas. Historically, however, the effects of these flow alteration drivers have been studied separately. In this study, results from unregulated and regulated river management models were assesse...
Sarah Yarnell Lind, Amy J Jeffrey Mount
Published in
River Research and Applications
In regulated rivers, relicensing of hydropower projects can provide an opportunity to change flow regimes and reduce negative effects on sensitive aquatic biota. The volume of flow, timing and ramping rate of spring spills, and magnitude of aseasonal pulsed flows have potentially negative effects on the early life stages of amphibians, such as the ...
Peter Moyle
Published in
River Research and Applications
Temporary streams in California and other Mediterranean climate areas are among the aquatic habitats most altered by human actions and by invasions by alien species. They typically support novel ecosystems, defined as ecosystems dominated by new combinations of organisms in highly altered habitats. Although these new ecosystems have many attributes...
Theodore E, Grantham
Published in
River Research and Applications
The maintenance of hydrologic connectivity in river networks has become an important principle for guiding management and conservation planning for threatened salmon populations, yet our understanding of how fish movement is impaired by spatial and temporal variation in connectivity remains limited. In this study, a two-dimensional hydraulic modeli...
Andrew Nichols Ann Willis Carson Jeffres Deas, Michael
Published in
River Research and Applications
Elevated stream temperature is a primary factor limiting the coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) population in California\textquoterights Shasta River Basin. Understanding the mechanisms driving spatial and temporal trends in water temperature throughout the Shasta River is critical to prioritizing river restoration efforts aimed at protecting this ...
Christopher T., Hammersmark Mark C., Rains Jeffrey Mount
Published in
River Research and Applications
Stream restoration efforts, particularly within meadow systems, increasingly rely on ‘pond and plug’ type methods in which (a) alluvial materials are excavated from the floodplain, forming ponds; (b) excavated alluvial materials are used to plug incised channels and (c) smaller dimension channels are restored to the floodplain surface. A commonly s...
Sarah E, Null Jay Lund
Published in
River Research and Applications
This paper examines and ranks restoration alternatives for improving fish habitat by evaluating tradeoffs between fish production and restoration costs. Optimization modelling is used to maximize out‐migrating coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from a natal stream and is applied as a case study in California's Shasta River. Restoration activities t...