Rebecca M., Quiñones Marcel, Holyoak Michael L., Johnson Peter Moyle
Published in
Understanding factors influencing survival of Pacific salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) is essential to species conservation, because drivers of mortality can vary over multiple spatial and temporal scales. Although recent studies have evaluated the effects of climate, habitat quality, or resource management (e.g., hatchery operations) on salmonid recr...
Moyle, Peter B Kiernan, Joseph D Crain, Patrick K Quiñones, Rebecca M
Published in
PloS one
Freshwater fishes are highly vulnerable to human-caused climate change. Because quantitative data on status and trends are unavailable for most fish species, a systematic assessment approach that incorporates expert knowledge was developed to determine status and future vulnerability to climate change of freshwater fishes in California, USA. The me...
Jeanette, Howard Kirk, Klausmeyer Joseph, Furnish Thomas, Gardali Theodore E, Grantham Jacob, Katz Sarah, Kupferberg Patrick, Macintyre Peter Moyle Peter, Ode
Published in
The ranges and abundances of species that depend on freshwater habitats are declining worldwide. Efforts to counteract those trends are often hampered by a lack of information about species distribution and conservation status and are often strongly biased toward a few well-studied groups. We identified the 3,906 vascular plants, macroinvertebrates...
Null, Sarah E Joshua Viers Jeffrey Mount Schumann, Guy J-P.
Published in
This study focuses on the differential hydrologic response of individual watersheds to climate warming within the Sierra Nevada mountain region of California. We describe climate warming models for 15 west-slope Sierra Nevada watersheds in California under unimpaired conditions using WEAP21, a weekly one-dimensional rainfall-runoff model. Increment...