Thompson, Lisa Escobar, Marisa Mosser, Christopher Purkey, David Yates, David Peter Moyle
Published in
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Spring-run Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) are particularly vulnerable to climate change because adults over-summer in freshwater streams before spawning in autumn. We examined streamflow and water temperature regimes that could lead to long-term reductions in spring-run Chinook salmon (SRCS) in a California stream and evaluated managemen...
Josué Medellín-Azuara Jay Lund Richard Howitt
Published in
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
This paper employs an economic-engineering optimization model to explore water supply options for environmental restoration of the Colorado River Delta, Mexico. Potential water sources include reductions in local agricultural and urban water use through water markets, wastewater reuse, and additional Colorado River flows from the United States. For...
Rheinheimer, D. E. Joshua Viers Sieber, Jack Kiparsky, Michael Mehta, Vishal K. Ligare, Scott T.
Published in
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Water systems in snowmelt-dominated hydro-regions such as California\textquoterights Sierra Nevada mountains are sensitive to regional climate change, hydropower systems in particular. In this study, a water resources management model was developed for the upper west slope Sierra Nevada to understand the potential effects of regional climate warmin...
Jay Lund
Published in
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Water management is often very different from what we think intuitively or what we have been taught. Here are some examples.
Ann Willis Campbell, Amy M Fowler, Ada C Babcock, Christopher A Howard, Jeanette K Deas, Michael Andrew Nichols
Published in
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
This paper examines the effect of implementing a water transaction program to address potential water quality limitations for returning adult fall-run Chinook salmon in a stream system where the agriculture is the dominant land and water use. Water transactions are becoming an increasingly used approach to provide instream flows during periods when...
Cahill, Ryan Jay Lund
Published in
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
In much of the western United States, reducing residential water use is a major source of water conservation, especially as population growth urbanizes agricultural land. Although estimates of the potential of conservation are useful, the experience of Australia provides a realistic target for residential water conservation. Although reliability of...