Chornesky, Elizabeth A Ackerly, David D Beier, Paul Davis, Frank W Flint, Lorraine E Lawler, Joshua J Peter Moyle Moritz, Max A Scoonover, Mary Byrd, Kristin
Published in
Significant efforts are underway to translate improved understanding of how climate change is altering ecosystems into practical actions for sustaining ecosystem functions and benefits. We explore this transition in California, where adaptation and mitigation are advancing relatively rapidly, through four case studies that span large spatial domain...
Mosepele, Ketlhatlogile Peter Moyle Merron, Glenn S. Purkey, David R. Mosepele, Belda
Published in
The Okavango Delta, Botswana, is a major wetland surrounded by the Kalahari Desert. The delta supports a diverse fish fauna that depends on highly seasonal flooding from inflowing rivers, and on the actions of ecosystem engineers (hippopotamuses, elephants, and termites), for creation and maintenance of their habitats. Conflicts in resource use, es...
Sarah Yarnell Joshua Viers Jeffrey Mount
Published in
We present a conceptual model for the ecology of the spring snowmelt recession based on the natural flow regime that relates the quantifiable components of magnitude, timing, and rate of change to abiotic and biotic factors that govern riverine processes. We find that shifts in the magnitude of the recession largely affect abiotic channel condition...
Peter Moyle Marchetti, Michael P.
Published in
The location, size, and geography of California, combined with extensive knowledge of successful and failed fish invasions, provide an unusual opportunity to test predictors of invasion success. Our analyses show that different characteristics of alien fishes are important at different stages of the invasion process. We found no set of characters t...
Grantham, Theodore E Joshua Viers Peter Moyle
Published in
Environmental flow protections are crucial to the conservation of freshwater biodiversity in dam-regulated river systems. Nevertheless, the implementation of environmental flows has lagged far behind the pace of river ecosystem alteration. The vast number of dams now in operation and the substantial resources required to modify their operations sug...
Sarah Yarnell Petts, Geoffrey Schmidt, John Alison Whipple Beller, Erin Dahm, Clifford Goodwin, Peter Joshua Viers
Published in
Building on previous environmental flow discussions and a growing recognition that hydrogeomorphic processes are inherent in the ecological functionality and biodiversity of riverscapes, we propose a functional-flows approach to managing heavily modified rivers. The approach focuses on retaining specific process-based components of the hydrograph, ...