Myxozoan spores were observed in yellowfin goby Acanthogobius flavimanus collected from Suisun Marsh, San Francisco Estuary (SFE). Although histopathological changes associated with the parasite were not observed, the spores formed plasmodia that partially blocked the gastric and intestinal mucosa and gut lumen and may affect the perfomance and sur...
Over the past decade, the Natural Flow Regime paradigm has garnered widespread study, discussion and general acceptance in the scientific community as a guide for conservation, restoration and management of rivers. However, one fundamental aspect of the natural flow regime that has received little attention in both scientific study and resource man...
Blackfordia virginica (Mayer, 1910) is a small hydrozoan that has invaded estuaries around the world. In the lower Napa and Petaluma rivers, located within the San Francisco Estuary, B. virginica populations followed a classic pulsed bloom event. Medusae monthly bell diameter measurements showed an initial increasing trend with a wide range of size...
Competition for use of water is increasing and leads to many conflicts among competing interests with complex goals and water management systems. Technical system models are essential to create performance and other decision information, but models to simulate views of the competing parties are also needed to help resolve or mitigate conflicts. Age...
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are found in surface waters worldwide. Wastewater treatment plant effluent is a major source of these contaminants. The Sacramento\textendashSan Joaquin Delta (Delta) is a unique aquatic ecosystem, a source of drinking water for over 25 million Californians, and a primary source of water for Centra...
A Water Fund is a novel water management tool to economically compensate for environmental services. The Center for Watershed Sciences Conducted a Pre-Feasibility Assessment for A Water Fund in the Ensenada, Mexico region, commissioned by The Nature Conservancy. The Ensenada Region in Baja California provides ecosystem services such as habitat for ...
Appraisal of hatchery-related effects on Pacific salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) is a necessary component of species conservation. For example, hatchery supplementation can influence species viability by changing genetic, phenotypic and life-history diversity. We analyzed time series data for seven salmonid taxa from the Klamath River basin, Californ...
The California Natural Resources Agency and the U.S. Department of the Interior propose to increase the frequency and duration of flooding in the Yolo Bypass for seasonal fish rearing habitat, both as a major component of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) and also as a Reasonable and Prudent Alternative (RPA) in the federal National Marine Fis...