Cosumnes Research Group 3 Annual Report - 2014
Published in Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydroinformatics
A central problem for managers of river ecosystems is understanding hydrodynamics in an intelligible fashion for effective decision-making. Too often decisions are based on some combination of incomplete hydrologic time series, poorly parameterized models, photographic snapshots of the place in question, and human imagination. Because river ecosyst...
Published in Wildlife Society Bulletin
In 1995, California established the first conservation banking program in the United States to provide a new financial mechanism to conserve wildlife and natural communities in rapidly developing regions. Conservation banks are lands protected and managed for conservation of species of con cern. Developers may purchase species credits from a conser...
Published in JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association
This article provides a method for examining mesoscale water quality objectives downstream of dams with anticipated climate change using a multi-model approach. Cold-water habitat for species such as trout and salmon has been reduced by water regulation, dam building, and land use change that alter stream temperatures. Climate change is an addition...
Published in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
The increased availability of end use measurement studies allows for mechanistic and detailed approaches to estimating household water demand and conservation potential. This study simulates water use in a single-family residential neighborhood using end-water-use parameter probability distributions generated from Monte Carlo sampling. This model ...
Published in San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science
Suisun Marsh is the largest tidal wetland in the San Francisco Estuary that has been subject to 6000 years of constant change, which is accelerating. Decisions made today will have major effects on its value as habitat for native biota in the future.
Published in San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science
Using science to adaptively guide management for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is widely talked about as good public policy. Almost every agency, stakeholder, and planning process professes support and has its own adaptive management and science efforts. But highly fragmented adaptive management and science cannot solve such urgent complex probl...
This study for the state Delta Protection Commission compared the effectiveness of using new remotely sensed measurement technology to estimate farmers\textquoteright "consumptive water use," or the amount of irrigation water crops transpire and evaporate from the nearby soil. Current methods of estimation and reporting of consumptive water use can...
Published in River Research and Applications
Temporary streams in California and other Mediterranean climate areas are among the aquatic habitats most altered by human actions and by invasions by alien species. They typically support novel ecosystems, defined as ecosystems dominated by new combinations of organisms in highly altered habitats. Although these new ecosystems have many attributes...
American Rivers and The Nature Conservancy convened an independent panel of experts to review the March 2013 draft of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan, the state of Californias proposal to build two huge water export tunnels beneath the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The panel led by geologist Jeffrey Mount, founding director of the UC Davis Center f...