Ballast water introductions
Published in Indian Journal of Fisheries
Published in Indian Journal of Fisheries
Robert Gailey was a Session Speaker at the following event sponsored by the American Water Works Association: California-Nevada Section, Fall Conference, October 6-9, 1998, Reno, Nevada.
Published in California Fish and Game
Four analytical approaches support the hypothesis that altered flow regimes, particularly spring and summer pulsed discharges, contribute to the decline of foothill yellow-legged frogs (Rana boylii) in regulated rivers. (1) A review of literature and FERC re-licensing reports indicates that egg masses are negatively affected by pulsed flows via sco...
Robert Gailey was an Invited Speaker at an event sponsored by the Groundwater Resources Association of California: Managing Wells in California and Protecting Groundwater Resources Symposium, August 22 and 29, 2012, Sacramento, California.